Monday, June 6, 2011

Timing IS Everything

Timing is everything...

It's been said that finding a job IS a job. And whomever said it first was right!

Deciding to return to work is a huge decision for many women. But it's really just the beginning of an exciting and wonderful new journey. Finding the on-ramp requires that you carve out designated job readiness and job search time.


You may be thinking about how busy you are already and wondering how to cram more to dos into your day. You're not alone. It is a challenge at first...but it's essential to finding a job as well as great practice for getting your family ready for your return to work and the changes this inevitably brings to the family.

If you've made the decision to return to work, take a look at your calendar and begin protecting blocks of time that you will dedicate to the process. The amount of time you'll need depends on a variety of factors and is unique to your situation. I suggest starting out slowly...perhaps you'll dedicate just an hour or two weekly to start, using the time to read some great articles or conducting online research.

Once you begin to put some structure around your process, you can add time and gain additional momentum.

It's all very exciting...wonderful... and a bit unnerving, perhaps....But I'm here to help. Visit my website for information about my services and upcoming programs.


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